freetype CRANE == { ToDepositBelt, ToFeedBelt, cIdle }

typealias GRIPPER == FLOAT

static function OnDepositBelt            == 0.9230
static function SafeDistanceFromFeedBelt == 0.0
static function OnFeedBelt               == 0.6593

dynamic function CraneHorizontalMot : CRANE
initially cIdle

dynamic function CraneVerticalMot : UP_DOWN
initially udIdle

dynamic function CraneMagnet : ON_OFF
initially Off

output function GripperOverDepositBelt : BOOL

output function GripperOverFeedBelt : BOOL

output function GripperVerticalPos : GRIPPER

derived relation WaitingToUnloadDepositBelt ==

  GripperOverDepositBelt and GripperVerticalPos >= OnDepositBelt and
  CraneHorizontalMot = cIdle and CraneVerticalMot = udIdle and
  CraneMagnet = Off

derived relation WaitingToLoadFeedBelt ==

  GripperOverFeedBelt and GripperVerticalPos = SafeDistanceFromFeedBelt
  and CraneHorizontalMot = cIdle and CraneVerticalMot = udIdle and
  CraneMagnet = On

transition WAITING_DB ==

  if WaitingToUnloadDepositBelt and PieceAtDepositBeltEnd
  then CraneMagnet := On

transition UNLOADING_DB ==

  if CraneVerticalMot = udIdle and GripperVerticalPos >= OnDepositBelt and
     CraneMagnet = On
  then CraneVerticalMot := Up

  if CraneVerticalMot = Up and GripperVerticalPos = SafeDistanceFromFeedBelt
  then CraneVerticalMot      := udIdle
       CraneHorizontalMot    := ToFeedBelt
       PieceAtDepositBeltEnd := false

transition MOVING_FB ==

  if CraneHorizontalMot = ToFeedBelt and GripperOverFeedBelt
  then CraneHorizontalMot := cIdle

transition WAITING_FB ==

  if WaitingToLoadFeedBelt and FeedBeltFree
  then CraneVerticalMot := Down

transition LOADING_FB ==

  if CraneVerticalMot = Down and GripperVerticalPos >= OnFeedBelt
     and GripperOverFeedBelt
  then CraneVerticalMot := udIdle
       CraneMagnet      := Off

  if CraneVerticalMot = udIdle and GripperVerticalPos >= OnFeedBelt
     and GripperOverFeedBelt and CraneHorizontalMot = cIdle
     and CraneMagnet = Off
  then CraneHorizontalMot := ToDepositBelt
       FeedBeltFree := false

transition MOVING_DB ==

  if CraneHorizontalMot = ToDepositBelt and GripperOverDepositBelt
  then CraneHorizontalMot := cIdle
       CraneVerticalMot   := Down

  if GripperOverDepositBelt and
     CraneVerticalMot = Down and GripperVerticalPos >= OnDepositBelt
  then CraneVerticalMot := udIdle